Four Learning Areas

You can’t teach creativity; all you can do is let it blossom, and it blossoms in play-Kyung-Hee Kim

We believe that the results are not as important as the process. Solving problems, thinking independently, experiencing curiosity and creativity in a raw state are the fundamental ideas behind all that we do at Wildflowers. We believe that play is the most important work of childhood.

Materials used throughout the learning areas vary from week to week–recycled materials, found natural materials, basic stripped down art materials–clay, blocks, sand, water, real tools. We love to use materials in new and exciting ways–always expect the unexpected…

The four areas of learning remain constant to offer structure within our space. The invitations for learning within those stations change at every session and open studio.


Paint Exploration: At Wildflowers we go beyond your standard water colors and brushes.  We see paint as another opportunity to think outside the box. Ordinary household objects such as toothpicks and rubber bands become painting instruments while yogurt or shaving cream becomes paint.


Sensory Play: The opportunities in our sensory learning area are limitless. Children manipulate interact with many different real materials such as bird seed, sand, and rice while scooping, measuring and mixing with funnels, pipes, and other uncommon tools.


Dream Weaving: Dream weaving is open ended art. It is an opportunity for children to let their imagination run wild. Sometimes recycled materials turn into a robot, sometimes a pile of glue and feathers make art. The results are irrelevant, but sometimes they are amazing!

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Tinkering: Tinkering invites children to use their fine motor skills to experiment, dissect, build, and problem solve.  Children exercise independence and responsibility with real tools.  They have the freedom to invent and innovate.